Insurance Company : Accountant & HR administrator From 2021-09 To Current
Financial Accounting:
Preparation of transfers & payment of inter-company & external suppliers
Managing and processing customer and supplier invoices
Processing & reconciling bank accounts in Pastel Evolution
Processing monthly journals, Maintain fixed asset register
Preparation of Balance Sheet recons
Preparation management reporting and management analysis on monthly basis
Assist the CFO with budgets preparations
Manage budget vs actual and compile financial forecasts
Responsible for internal & external audit preparations
Assist with submission of PAYE and any other tax type on SARS e-filling
Insurance Accounting:
Daily claims authorization and payments
Monthly check & reconciliation of premium, commission & claims
Compile accurate monthly reporting of Operations Meetings
Compile and/or review quarterly statutory returns by due dates
HR Administrator Duties:
Assist with recruitment & induction process
Assist with payroll documentation
Collection of all information required for employees’ files
Updating Shield’s company organogram/structure
Maintenance of company policies & procedures
Assist with training & development administration
Keep record of internal training & registers
Marketing Agency : Accountant From 2015-05 To 2021-08
Preparing annual statements for Non – Profit Organizations
Monthly bookkeeping for Small Medium Enterprises
Business registrations with CIPC including names reservation
Tax Returns (Business & Individuals
Leading provider of large-bore diesel and gas engines and turbomachinery. : Assistant Accountant From 2013-09 To 2015-03
Preparation of Mars and Vokus monthly reporting to VW for monthly consolidation of Financials with other MDT Countries
Follow up on queries relating to management reporting to VW
Monthly financial management packs distributed to department managers
Preparation of EXCO presentation monthly to be used by FM for reporting,
Payroll journals preparation and automation monthly
Ensure payroll JNL's balance to VIP schedules and GL monthly
Prepare payroll remittance and pay the payments to payroll creditors before the 7th of next month - monthly
Cash book processing for salaries and reconcile to Nedbank Statement
Prepare, pay EMP201 (PAYE, SDL, UIF) and submit online to SARS
Prepare VAT and Stats SA - Monthly
Preparation and processing of monthly journals - Provision and Accruals
Review of general ledger, correcting misallocations of expenses and income,
Prepare Balance Sheet recons monthly
Reviewing and signing of accounts payable recons including foreignsuppliers (intercompany and third-party suppliers)
Communicate and confirm intercompany balances with other MDT countries
Supervision of debtors/creditors clerks
Compile Tax Schedules for SARS submission at year end
Preparation of audit for external auditors and assist with audit process
Assist the Management Accountant with preparing quarterly and yearly budgets
Resolve accounting discrepancies and irregularities
Automotive - Motor Vehicles : Cost Accountant From 2010-02 To 2010-08
Involved in daily activities of stock control including regular stock counts
Accurate product costing covering continuous changes on build specifications
Monitoring of component price changes and interacting with suppliers as required
Calculate and analyze labor productivity on Direct Labor
Monitoring and investigating material usage variance
Assist with preparation of annual budget and quarterly reviews
Perform other duties that may reasonably be required by management
Media Production : Assistant Accountant From 2010-09 To 2013-08
Preparation and processing of monthly journals
Review and process monthly accruals prepared by Creditors Clerks
Preparation and processing of VAT and submission to SARS
Daily review of General Ledger, correcting misallocations of expenses and income
Prepare Balance Sheet Recons monthly
Reviewing and signing off suppliers’ recons prepared by creditors
Cash Book- Standard Bank and Nedbank processing and reconciliation with statements
Cash Book- Petty Cash, Call Account, Credit Card processing and reconciliation with statements
Preparation and processing of EFT payments in Standard Bank for COD suppliers & HR related payments for staff members
Daily processing of Fixed Assets in the Asset Register and disposal when assets are sold.
Monthly Reconciliation of Fixed Asset Register to the Ledger
Calculate monthly depreciation and process in the Ledger
Approval of general ledger accounts on all orders placed on Vortal System
Obtain intercompany invoices from Head Office, review GL accounts and submit to creditors for processing
Prepare Income Statement schedules for variance analysis for
month-end reporting
Assist with Month-end Processing and reporting
Assist with internal and external audits at half year-end and year-end
STATS SA monthly reporting
Compile Tax Schedules monthly for SARS Submission
Daily supervision of debtors/creditors clerks, signing off their processed work and posting to the ledger
Automotive - Motor Vehicles : Administration Controller (Finance) From 2007-02 To 2010-01
Administration of Forex costing for employees traveling overseas and reconciliation of accounts
Process and reconcile statutory returns (VAT) for MAN Truck & Bus thereafter submit to SARS
Liaise with SARS regarding issues relating to VAT
Assist in sorting out queries relating to Debtors, Creditors and Procurement
Compile cash-flow statements, reconcile statement with Nedbank (Ad Hoc basis)
Receive Creditors Invoices and match to purchase orders
02/2007– 08/2008
Compiling and processing standard journals daily
Preparation of balance sheet recons monthly
Reconciling and correcting allocations of branches expense accounts
Sort out queries of all branches and departments
Analysis of expenditure and revenue accounts for misallocations
Compilations of tax schedules, i.e., legal fees; overseas traveling, donation, bad debts; computer development, consultancy fees etc.
Processing month-end entries for all branches & departments, finance charges, inter-branch balancing journal, stannic journal, telephone journal, intercompany journals, staff loans journals
Management of the company fleet for 250 Cars (Charge petrol cost to all the departments and branches, handle fleet queries between branches
and Standard Bank)
Distribute vehicle transaction reports to all the departments on monthly basis reconcile the fleet account
Assist with general administration/accounting duties as and when required
Education - Training : Health Promoter & Projects Coordinator From 2004-05 To 2006-12
Project Manager for HIV Unit open day, community outreach, know your status campaign and first year students orientation.
Compile project proposals and budget proposals for all the projects.
Manage the budget allocated to all the projects
Manage donor funding development of in-house accounting system
Production of monthly, progress and annual reports to donor agencies
Development and management of the petty cash system for the unit
Coordinate Pretoria Campus HIV and AIDS residence programme
Recruit train and develop Peer Educators (Students volunteers) and coordinate the programme.
Supervision of peer educators and competency assessment
Provide individual support to students and staff infected and affected with HIV.
Organize and facilitate workshops, trainings, sessions promoting positive living, voluntary counseling and testing and behavior change.
Consulting : Bookkeeper From 2003-08 To 2004-04
Process monthly journal entries (payments and receipts)
Review and Reconcile monthly bank statements
Preparing monthly payment schedule of all suppliers and pay slips
Handling petty cash (recording petty cash payments and receipts)
Handling Accounts (payment of suppliers, ordering of goods)
Monthly bank deposits and withdrawals, Post to Trail balance